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An accessory dwelling unit, or ADU, adds great versatility to your home because the square footage is now liveable space, your property value increases substantially. ADUs are ideal for housing guests, caring for aging parents, or renting out to tenants. You may be able to cover half your mortgage with one standard ADU! Superior Home Remodeling provides ADU garage conversion so you can make better use of your property and we’ll walk you through every step of the way. Thanks to the state of California’s recently passed laws (AB-68 and SB-13), you’re now allowed to create an ADU in many zones that were not allowed in the past. This means that many homeowners now have the ability to increase the value of their home by $100,000+ and create a cash flow relatively quickly.
We take the time to make your ADU house conversion just as attractive and high-quality as the rest of your home. Our company has a design team that can handle both the aesthetic and practical aspects of your ADU. We’ll plan and execute every step of the renovations, from planning an efficient floorplan layout to shopping for your finish material. A lot of work goes into converting a garage, and you can trust us to oversee the process and make sure it goes as planned. In a matter of about 3 months of construction, your garage will be ready for occupancy!